The Viable
System Model and Structural Recursion
Beer’s Viable System Model and in particular his Recursive System Theorem are
often the subject of discussion. In this blog rather than explaining Beer’s
work I want to explain how I use it. Indeed I’ve used the VSM for a long time,
since the old days in Chile, and in particular I’ve applied the idea of
structural recursion to enterprises of all kinds.
I see
structural recursion as a possible consequence of the often tacit strategies
used by members of an organisation to manage the complexity that they create,
regulate and produce as they deal with a self-defined problematic situation in
their medium/environment. I use the term create to point at the meanings
(policies, purposes, values and products) that they define to guide their
collective actions. These actions produce the organisation’s meanings as
experienced overtime by stakeholders. Aligning meaning creation and production
requires regulation supporting the organisation’s cohesion and adaptation to
its medium/environment.
It is
apparent that members of any organisation, whether they are senior managers or
shopfloor workers, share the same biology and therefore have similar complexity
management capabilities, but often their potentialities are very different.
Since potentially problematic situations can imply exceedingly large
complexities, a strategy to deal with them is chunking the global problematic
situation into chunks (or primary activities as I call them in my work) that we
may expect people strive to align with global policies, purposes and values. If
these aligned chunks manage to be autonomous themselves and succeed creating,
regulating and producing their particular policies and products, the structural
and processual implications are amplifying, perhaps in orders of magnitude, the
mutual constitution of organisational and environmental complexities. In the
end achieving a constructive synergistic ‘unfolding of complexity’ hugely
increases the overall situational and organisational complexities. This implies
that in the same way that the global organisation articulates its problematic
situation, the aligned chunks create, regulate and implement their own meanings;
in other words are autonomous themselves creating and dealing with much more
complexity than if they were following hierarchical instructions. Indeed this
unfolding (i.e. chunking) may now happen within each of the chunks and
therefore we are now witnessing a proliferation of situational and
organisational complexities relying on the creativity, flexibility and
inventiveness of their members. The number of structurally recursive levels in
an organisational system is the number of autonomous structural levels
producing the organisation’s self-defined meanings.
Thus, each
of the chunks needs resources and competencies to create, regulate and
implement their self-defined products; these are systems 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 in
Beer’s VSM or the systemic functions of Policy, Intelligence, Cohesion,
Coordination and Implementation in my own language. These functions must recur in all viable
chunks at all structural levels. More significantly, communications among them
in the organisational system and with agents in their medium/environment
produce recursive relationships of performance, cohesion and adaptation. In
viable organisations these relationships emerge from effective complexity
management strategies, which rely as much as possible on self-regulation and
self-organisation for balancing what in general are asymmetrical varieties (I’m
using variety in the Ashby’s sense). This recurrence of systemic functions and
relationships for each autonomous chunk is for me the meaning of structural
recursion. The platforms for this
recursion are the meanings or policies created by the members of the
organisational system, which give them the closure of an autonomous
organisational system. These policies are their purposes, values, norms
emerging from their communications with agents constituting problematic
situations and also most significantly, from their cultural contexts. These are
multiple loops of circular causality, boot-strapping and so forth.
first insights about this model came from his appreciation of the complexity
management strategies of our nervous system as humans co-evolved with their
medium. Methodologically, the insights coming from a scientific situation
(neurophysiology) helped him to offer a model relevant to organisations and
management. This methodology, which connects nature’s evolution and learning,
is used in artificial intelligence and engineering today (e.g. mimicking the
behaviour of ants, bees and birds). With
adequate methodological support, particularly accounting for people’s purposes,
it can also be a most useful methodology for social situations.
applied structural recursion in a wide variety of situations; there are easy
cases where the managerial situation clearly recognises autonomous chunks; this
is the case of large corporations that over the years have evolved from
functional, centralised structures, to autonomous divisions and strategic
business units. But, for smaller units
in SBUs as well as for small and medium sized enterprises it is not uncommon to
find that there is no structural recursion; simply, often, chunks are the
outcome of hierarchical relationships. Indeed, empirical evidence may suggest
that no recursion is happening. Indeed
in all cases recursion can only be established empirically. Of course we can
always recognise shortcomings in these ‘unfoldings of complexity’ but in one
form or another we start hypothesising chunks and levels creating, regulating
and producing their own meanings and then test the hypothesis. There are
structural and identity shortcomings that tend to be archetypical, which in
practice limit the scope of recursive chunks (see Organisational Systems;
Managing Complexity with the Viable System Model, by R. Espejo and A. Reyes,
Springer 2011).
interesting examples of complexity unfolding happen with reference to
government policies, such as health,
education, nuclear waste management and so forth, where we find that processes
of self-organisation evolve towards some form of structural recursion of the
multiple institutional parts creating, regulating and producing that policy,
which overtime develop connectivity that eventually may give viability to the
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